Our Story

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Pastor Francis Ng

Founder & Senior Pastor, Tabernacle of Christ


Pastor Francis Ng is the Senior Pastor of Tabernacle of Christ church in Singapore. After a dramatic God encounter in 1986, which resulted in his wife’s healing,
he gave his life to the Lord and went into full-time ministry two years later.

His desire is to see the Body of Christ mature and come to their full stature
in Christ, accomplishing God’s purposes on earth. He believes every believer
must be equipped, trained and empowered to function effectively in ministry.
He ministers with a strong prophetic mantle, and churches and believers have been greatly impacted through his ministry, resulting in healing, restoration and breakthroughs.

Pastor Francis is also the founder of The School of Prophets (SOP) in Singapore where he trains, equips and activates believers in the prophetic. Pastor Francis
is also an entrepreneur and God is using him to train businessmen and women to make a difference in the marketplace. He is a trained mediator and has helped to resolve many family conflicts. His desire to see godly families raised
in this generation is accurately modeled in his own Church and family.

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Samuel’s Testimony